Four Crows Wood and Wool – Melinda Evans Wool Felting, Sculpture, Woven Vessels We are former dancers/professors and live on a hillside farm in rural Vermont. The woodshop opens to rolling fields and forest, rising Connecticut River mists, and on the horizon Mt....
Lost Mile Designs – Pam Bullock Fiber Art – Felted & Woven As much as possible, the natural fibers are locally or regionally raised and processed. The mohair is from our own herd of Angora goats. Phone: 802-254-8448 Address: 51 Lost Mile Rd,...
Muffy K G Art – Muffy Kashkin Grollier Needle-Felted Wool Paintings Fall Open Studio Map #32 My painting are made with wool fiber, needle-felted to a wool “canvas”. They are inspired by nature and fantasy. Phone: (802) 948-2561 Address: 310 Rte 22A,...
Positive Purls Kate Latz Felted Gifts and Accessories Felting gives me the magical power of alchemy: changing one material into another from strands of fiber to fabric or a solid piece of beauty. (802) 839-9967 253 Softwood Rd, Elmore VT 05657
Under The Moon – Amanda Weisenfeld Functional Art, Hand Felted Rugs I am a traditional rolling, pounding, hand felter. I create functional art that is a pleasure to look at: rugs, pillows, place mats, and wall hangings. Crows, Ravens, foxes, birch trees, and the...