
To submit a listing, please contact us.

Available 9/1/23 – I am looking for printmakers who would be interested in sharing my work space and press. Daily, weekly, or other…. rates vary. American French Tool etching press, bed size 36” x 60”. Plenty of work tables, hot plate, water, inking table. On days you rent, you will have sole use of shop.
Lynn Newcomb Lsarahnewcomb@gmail.com

The Vermont Women’s Fund is creating a directory of women-owned businesses at ThisWayUPvt.com. Want to get the word out about your business? Put yourself on the map! Help Vermont support woman-owned.

Collective ~ the art of Craft Seeks Members
Collective ~ the art of Craft in Woodstock is actively seeking 2 or 3 additional members. We are a co-operative gallery, returning a good proportion of member’s sales (less the combination of a fixed monthly rent and small commission) in return for two days per month manning the gallery. We aim to exhibit a good mix of crafts and art mediums. The usual route to membership is through starting as a guest member at a 50/50 commission but this can be fast-tracked if the work fits well with our needs. Look at our website and apply as a guest if you are interested. We are particularly looking for a blacksmith and jewelry is full for now.

Studio for Rent - Bellows Falls
Studio/Apartment for Rent in Downtown Bellows Falls, VT
Art, History and Affordable Housing come together on Canal Street. Enjoy downtown living in this 10-unit building. A one bedroom apartment is available. There is a preference given for artists applying to live in this building. Rents include heat and hot water. Affordable rental rates ($550-700). Income limits do apply: https://stewartproperty.net/property-item/exner-block-bellows-falls-vt/
For info re: The Arts Community in Bellows Falls contact Rockingham Arts and Museum Project (RAMP) www.ramp-vt.org 802-463-3252 ramp@sover.net (put in subj line Exner Blk Housing)